
Ecologies in Practice: Environmentally Engaged Arts in Canada, Co-edited with Elysia
French. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2024
Book Chapters:
“(Un)Welcome Plants”, in Artwork for Jellyfish, Eds. Ted Hiebert and Amanda Boetzkes, Noxious Sector Press, 2022
“Plant radio for Plants”, in Why Look at Plants? the Botanical Emergence in Contemporary Art, by Giovanni Aloi. Brill, 2019
“Notes from the Deep Earth Treatment Centre” in Naturally Post-Natural: Jennifer Willet, ed. by Ted Heibert. Noxious Sector Press, 2018
“Sharing food Sharing Knowledge; food and agriculture in contemporary art practices” in Perma/Culture: Imagining Alternatives in an Age of Crisis, Edited by Molly Wallace and David Corruthers, Rutledge Environmental Humanities 2017
Artists Publications/ Projects:
Roots, Leaves, Stems and Blooms, Dandelion zine and cookbook, 2020
“Two recipes”, The Artists Cookbook, Edited by Carrie Perrault. 2019
The Call of the Wild, ‘re-writing the wild’ re-edited book series, work in Progess, 2019-
Talking Plant PhD Thesis, Cultural Studies, Queen’s University, 2018.
“What’s Invisible About a Plant?” Parkhive Collective Research, Co-edited broadsheets with Teresa Carlesimo and Michael DiRisio, Vol. 1-5, 2015 (artists publication)
Random Seeds artists book, in collaboration with Matthew Knapik (self-published) Banff Centre, 2015
Wild Edibles Guide to Downtown Windsor developed in collaboration with Rashel Tremblay, Text and Illustrations, Neighborhood Spaces Residency (artists publication) 2014
“Field Guide” with Brad Isaacs, Public 64: Beyond Unsettling: methodologies for decolonizing futures, Eds. Leah Decter and Carla Taunton, Winter 2022
“A Field Guide to Monster Plants”, Blackflash Magazine, 2022
French, Elysia, “Infinte Silences” interview, feature in Antennae-The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture no.51, Vegetal Entanglements, 2020
"Where Do Animals Live in our Subconscious?" Antennae - The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, Issue 40, summer 2017
"Engaging Vegetable Others" esse art + opinions, issue # 87, Spring/Summer 2016
“Need a Green Friend?” Neighborhood Spaces Publication, Arts Council Windsor and Region with Neighborhood Spaces. Windsor, ON 2015
“Tracking the Eastern Elk” Text and Artists Project, Art Windsor, Vacancy Issue. Winter, 2015
Exhibiton Texts:
“Some Instructions for Folding Perception”, Written to accompany the knots of the net, Tyler Los Jones, Norberg Hall Gallery, Calgary. 2021
“Do Roses Dream of Freedom?” Written to accompany Waard Ward’s floristry project, as part of the exhibition Public Space, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. 2021.